MISSION :To offer innovating solutions to the equestrian market, contributing to the sustainable development by adding value, innovation and excellence to the services, always committed to ethical principles and above all with the utmost respect for the animal.
VISION: To be recognized by the seriousness and excellence in service to the equestrian market aiming to exceed the expectations of our customers and partners.
VALUES: To act with integrity in the relationship with customers and suppliers
Commitment to the animal welfare
Focus on good result valuing security.
To act with social responsibility and sustainable development
Fernando Alencar Nunes Rolim
Born in Itapetininga, Sao Paulo's countryside, Fernando Rolim grew up respecting the discipline of life desired by his parents, in order to be with the animals on weekends. It was on his uncle's ranch that he lived and grew alongside the horses, becoming more and more passionate and enchanted with everything that the animals taught him. Fernando witnessed and took part in much cruelty done to the horses. Outraged by such cruelty, he was determined to better understand the behavior of these animals. Focusing on this mission, Fernando dedicated his studies to Veterinary Medicine and after graduating he traveled to Canada as Goodwill Ambassador for Rotary Foundation, where he began his quest to know the efficient techniques of rational taming. Always in search of knowledge, Rolim traveled to the USA where this practice is more widespread. There he sought to learn from the most competent trainers that soon realized his natural talent with equines. Fernando naturally assimilated all that was learned, and when he put his knowledge into practice, he always showed a special way to relate to the animals. Thinking about his country, where horses are still part of the work and leisure of thousands of people, that Fernando idealized the first International Equus Congress. Through this event, Rolim introduced in Brazil not only a way of dealing with animals, but a fantastic philosophy of life which is based in communication, relationships, respect and leadership. Fernando continuously works on this project developing the best way to teach people how to relate to animals and comprehend Equus language. In 2011, after ministering one of his Equusmanship courses, one of his students was impacted by the Project and was driven to be part of it.
Maria Dalva Oliveira Rolim
Maria Dalva de Oliveira was born in a farm in Zona da Mata, Minas Gerais. Her passion for horses was inherited from her father Who has an incredible connection with equines and used to be a tamer of horses by the traditional method. Due to her life as an entrepreneur, living in a bit city and family, this passion was put aside. Five years ago, when she made the decision to look after herself, she decided to take this passion out of inertia and enrolled in riding lessons and training, buying a horse afertwards. Maria Dalva felt that she wanted something more than a sport. Fascinated by horses, she began to relate to the animal following her heart. This was already a step forward, but didn't satisfy her completely. She then enrolled in Fernando Rolim's course. “My life was revolutionized from that moment on” said Maria Dalva. On Equusmandship she learned to communicate with her horse and realized the therapeutic effect of this practice. She learned that horses have their own language and if we want to communicate with them, we must respect them. After that experience she grew as a leader in her company and today she enjoys a better relationship with her employees. As a spiritual woman, the experience went beyond; she learned that God also tries to communicate with men the same way that we do on Equusmanship. At the end of the course, she decided to plunge into this amazing Project, joining Fernando Rolim. “I believe in Fernando's work and I know that together we will be instruments of God to show people the benefits of a good communication with their horses, people and even God, making Equusmanship our legacy.”